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Writer's picturePastor Jeff Oates

Are you broken

Have you ever thought about how much time, energy, and effort we spend to hide the fact that we are broken people? We have cultivated a generation of people that want to hide the imperfections and bad days. We dress the part, conceal the blemishes, and amplify the victories all to make others believe that we are not broken. Let's be honest, everyone has issues they need to work on. Maybe it is a health issue, attitude, discipline. Maybe you are not good with money, or maybe you feel unfulfilled in your daily role. Whatever it is, we all have it. We are all broken.

I have noticed the farther I stray away for God, the more I am trying to fix myself. I tend to get "Me Focused" the more I stray away from Jesus. Yet, Christ urges us to abide in Him. John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

It truly is Amazing Grace that God knows us, and yet He urges us to abide in Him. Jesus knows we are broken, He knows that we are prone to wander, and He knows we are prone to doubt, yet His response is still ABIDE IN ME. Embrace the fact that you are broken and let that aid you in abiding in Christ. You are not perfect, but He is. Lean into Jesus today for your strength and purpose. God loves more than you will ever know. You are the joy of His heart.

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